Clean at the Beginning…Clean at the End

Clean at the Beginning…Clean at the End


Pre-Tenancy Cleaning

Are you a Landlord?

Have cleaning issues cost you time and money? Have you ever had a Tenant complain about ‘the cleaning?’

If you have been a landlord for any length of time the answer to both of these questions will almost certainly be ‘yes.’

With 1 Hour A Week as your cleaning partner, you will never hear these complaints again. We understand how important it is for a Tenancy to get off to a good start. A perfectly clean property at the time the Tenant moves in sets the tone for the rest of the Tenancy.

Our years dealing with Tenants and Agents have enabled us to formulate a training programme which ensures our Cleaning Consultants never repeat the mistakes made by other cleaning companies.


Have you considered including a regular weekly clean as part of your Tenant’s rental?

Take a look at our ‘regular weekly cleaning’ services.

You can, as part of your Tenancy agreement include a minimum of 1 hour a week of cleaning within the cost of the rental. NB. This cost is a tax deductible expense.

The benefits to you, as a landlord are invaluable:

  • If a property is kept clean on a regular basis,  it is statistically proven, there is a considerable reduction in wear and tear over the long term.

  • It has been shown a Tenant is more likely to keep the property cleaner and tidier themselves if they know a regular cleaner is attending-again reducing wear and tear.

  • Included within our regular weekly cleaning service is a reporting facility. For example, if your Cleaning Consultant observes any significant maintenance issues- maybe a loose tap, a toilet flush not working properly, condensation or mould etc. they will report this to your account. If you are absent or overseas and have not employed a Property Management company, this service can prove to be invaluable to you as a Landlord.

Are You a Letting Agent/Managing Agent/Property Manager?

Despite a pre-Tenancy professional clean having been carried out, how often does a new Tenant/Relocation Agent/Tenant representative complain about perceived or real cleaning omissions after they move in?

If you have been a Property Manager or an Agent for any length of time, it is likely, over time, you will have heard many complaints in relation to cleaning issues.

We  know some people are prone to exaggeration, but why leave any element of doubt?

Our analysis of hundreds of Tenancies showed Property Managers/Landlords/Agents can spend up to 2 hours dealing with issues caused by poor cleaning or professional cleaning oversights. Time taken up sending emails,  placating Landlords/Tenants, making arrangements for cleaners to revisit is costly. On  top of this further costs may be incurred arranging further post cleaning checks to be carried out.

The 1 Hour A Week method ensures these issues no longer happen. Across a large portfolio, working with 1 Hour A Week will save your organisation hundreds of working hours and thousands of pounds every year.

We provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee

A missed hair, a sticky cooker hood, dust on some Venetian blind slats, just a few minor omissions can result in a Tenant claiming a property is ‘filthy.’

Our extensive training programme ensures our Cleaning Consultants will not miss any areas.

Prior to signing off any clean a supervisor will walk around the entire property. If there are any visible omissions they will be addressed immediately. If for any reason something could not be fully cleaned-for example indelible mould to a washing machine, or ingrained limescale our Cleaning Consultants inform our customer service team immediately. We will then pass this information on to you in order that you are aware.

We provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Working with 1 Hour A Week will save you money and time.

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