Covid-19 Risk Assessment and Company Policy
This statement is provided to outline the measures have put in place in order to comply with government guidance and to ensure the safety of our cleaning operatives, other employees and our clients.
The guidance includes best practice for travel to and from appointments, engagements with other contractors and our clients.
- Social Distancing-when in groups of more than two people we maintain a minimum of 2 metres/6.5ft between individuals. This policy includes the office environment, travelling to and from appointments and when attending client properties. Regular checks and reminders are in place.
- Cleanliness-we undertake regular cleaning of objects and surfaces when touched-particularly in areas of high use such as door handles, light switches etc. Hand sanitisers and cleaning products are provided to ensure this policy can be followed.
- Hand Washing-hand washing facilities and water is in place. Stringent hand washing is taking place as per NHS guidelines. Where possible hands should be dried with disposable paper towels.
- Wearing of Gloves-a supply of disposable gloves is available for use by cleaning operatives when in public places, collecting/returning keys or when undertaking cleaning activities inside properties. Staff have been instructed on how to remove gloves carefully, to reduce potential contamination and to dispose of them safely.
- PPE-surgical/non surgical masks are available for the use of cleaning operatives on the way to appointments and when in attendance completing scheduled cleaning works. Safe disposal guidance has been provided.
- Symptoms of Covid-19-symptoms which can indicate the presence of the virus have been publicised. If anyone becomes unwell with a new continuous cough or high temperature in the workplace they will be sent home and advised to follow the stay home guidance. Line managers will maintain regular contact with staff members during this time. If advised a member of staff/cleaning operative has developed Covid-19 symptoms, the company will contact the Public Health Authority to report the case, identify people who have been in contact with them and will take advice on any actions or precautions that should be taken.
- Mental Health-the company will promote mental health and wellbeing awareness to staff during the Covid-19 outbreak and will offer whatever support they can to help.
- Reporting-staff and cleaning operatives report to the main office providing information and guidance with relation to Covid-19. The immediate line managers/company Directors are available at all times to address any issues which may arise during the day to day operation of the company.
- Education/Training & Guidance-our staff have been provided this guidance sheet and access to the sources of information below. With evolving government guidance and changes in circumstances this policy will be continually reviewed and updated as required.
- Working Safely In Other People’s Homes-our staff and cleaning operatives have been provided with and reviewed the government safety guidance ‘working safely in other people’s homes’-
Specific Guidance Working Inside Properties:
- When inside a client property our staff/cleaning operatives adhere to social distancing guidance and ensure keys are sanitised on collection and return.
- Where clients are in attendance at the same time as cleaning operatives we ensure social distancing measures maintained and use PPE as required.
- Our cleaning operatives/staff having been provided with this guidance and are advised to contact the office immediately if they have any concerns when attending properties and undertaking the allotted tasks.
Sources of Information:
This guidance is correct and up to date as of 23rd February 2022.